December 7, 2020 Volume 24 Issue 25 | The Rosedale Church of God in Christ, Mennonite (also known as Holdeman) is in the community of Crooked Creek, Alta. This photo is from the 1970s, but the community began in 1928 and is located 72 kilometres east of Grand Prairie, Alta. In 2019, this congregation’s membership was 178. Worldwide, the Holdeman community had 26,648 members in 2018. The Holdeman denomination is only one of many Mennonite denominations. The Mennonite community is very diverse. According to Donald Kraybill in the Concise Encyclopedia of Amish, Brethren, Hutterites and Mennonites, there are more than 200 denominations that trace their roots back to Anabaptism. Take a challenge: Learn about other Mennonite denominations and get to know some of their people.